Freedom 251 is the name which became unexpected famous in India from last 2 days. As Ringing Bells company which was established in 2015 launched a smart phone for Rs. 251/- which is less than 14 riyals or 4 US dollars. Yes you heard right World's cheapest smart phone ever heard.
Many Saudi Arabia Expatriates of India ordered there gadgets online for 14 riyal with a shipping address of their home country, From the day it was published on news websites. Freedom 251 is a mobile phone with basic features of smart phone having android 5.1 lollipop with the specifications of 8GB storage, 1GB RAM, 3.2 Mega Pixel Camera, 0.3 Mega Pixel Front Camera, 4 Inch screen with a VGA resolution and 1450 mAH Battery.
As per the website www.freedom251.com , They are promising to deliver your gadget within 4 months of order through courier with a charge of 40 rupees, Once you booked it online, To book your gadget you need to mention your shipping address, Earlier it was redirecting to payment page once you ordered. Now it is mentioning they will send you payment link to your email id with in 48 hours once you ordered. But now it showing "Bookings are closed" in the first phase.
As it is Indian brand smartphone, There will be pre installed government service applications of Women Safety, Swacch Bharat, Fisherman, Farmer, Medical, Whatsapp, Facebook, Youtube, etc,. The provider is also giving warranty of 1 year for gadget, One user can book only one gadget using one email, It means same user can buy another gadget with different email.
Due to load of lot of users on website, The website is crashing many times, It is displaying a message to wait for 24 hours for some users. If you are serious in ordering this gadget then you can use your mobile for ordering, Even website crashes mobile website is allowing to book gadgets.
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